Featuring 25 photographs from American
scenic photographer Ansel Adams, a pioneer in the movement to preserve
the wilderness and one of the first to promote photography as an art
form. These photos were taken 1933-1942.

The Tetons and Snake
River, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

McDonald Lake, Glacier
National Park, Montana.

Close-up of leaves, Glacier
National Park, Montana.

View with
rock formation in foreground, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. |

Lake in foreground, with Teton Range in background, Grand Teton National
Park, Wyoming. |

Grassy valley, tree
covered mountain side and snow covered peaks, Grand Teton National
Park, Wyoming.

Fin Dome, Kings River
Canyon, California.

Junction Peak, Kings
River Canyon, California.

View of
valley from mountain, Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona. |

Trees with snow on branches,
Yosemite, California.

Church, Taos Pueblo National
Historic Landmark, New Mexico.

snow covered mountains in background, Glacier National Park, Montana. |

Bishop Pass, Kings River
Canyon, California.

toward a mountain with transmission lines, Boulder Dam in Arizona/Nevada. |

Canyon and ravine, Grand
Canyon National Park, Arizona.

down toward peak formations, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. |

along the wall of the Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New
Mexico. |

View from river valley,
Canyon de Chelly National Monument, Arizona.

St. Mary's Lake, Glacier
National Park, Montana.

North Palisade from Windy
Point, Kings River Canyon, California.

Electrical wires of power
unit, Boulder Dam, in Arizona/Nevada.

View of a curved cliff,
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona.

Looking across water
to the dam, Boulder Dam, in Arizona/Nevada.

Grand Teton National
Park, Wyoming.

Geyser pool, Yellowstone
National Park, Wyoming.

"Old Faithful"
geyser, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.
(Photo credits: U.S. National Archives)

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