The Defeat of Hitler was written by Philip Gavin, founder and publisher of The History Place ( The accompanying photo displays and captions were also created by Mr. Gavin. The Defeat of Hitler was first posted on The History Place Web site on January 15, 2010.
Published works by Mr. Gavin (Bachelor of Arts: Northeastern
University; Master of Science: Boston University) include World War II in Europe (Lucent Books, 2004), and The Fall of Vietnam (Lucent Books, 2003).
Mr. Gavin has
also written The Rise of Adolf Hitler and the Triumph of Hitler which appear elsewhere on this Web site.
Selected Bibliography
For your convenience, links are provided to (if available) should you wish
purchase the books (or videos) to learn more about Hitler and Nazi Germany. The books
and videos might also be available at your neighborhood bookshop or local
Books: Alphabetical by Author
A Study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock -
Konecky & Konecky, New York, 1999.
The Third Reich: A New History
by Michael Burleigh - Hill and Wang, New York, 2001.
Illustrated History of the Gestapo by Rupert Butler - Motorbooks International, Wisconsin, 1993.
Hitler’s Young Tigers by Rupert Butler. - Sheridan Book Co., London, 1986.
Gestapo: Instrument of Tyranny by Edward Crankshaw - Da Capo Press, New York, 1994.
Memoirs of the Second World War
by Winston S. Churchill - Mariner Books, New York, 1991.
The Nine Days of Dunkirk by David Divine - W.W. Norton, New York, 1959.
Auschwitz: 1270 To the Present
by Deborah Dwork, Robert Jan van Pelt - W.W. Norton, New York, 1997.
Dictionary of the Holocaust: Biography, Geography and Terminology by Eric Joseph Epstein and Philip Rosen - Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, 1997.
Luftwaffe: A History by Harold Faber - New York Times Book Co., New York, 1977.
The Face of the Third Reich: Portraits of the Nazi Leadership by Joachim C. Fest - Pantheon Books, New York, 1970.
Holocaust by Jack R. Fischel - Greenwood
Publishing Group, Westport, Conn. 1998.
Germany: A New History by Klaus P. Fischer -
Continuum Publishing, New York, 1995.
The Day the War Ended: May 8, 1945 Victory in Europe by Martin Gilbert - Henry Holt and Co., New York, 1995.
The Life and Death of Nazi Germany by Robert Goldston - Fawcett Books, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1967.
Hitler's SS by Richard Grunberger - Dorset Press,
New York, 1993.
Death Dealer: The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz
by Rudolf Hoess, Steven Paskuly - Da Capo Press, New York, 1996.
by Roy Jenkins - Plume, New York, 2002.
Hitler: 1936-1945: Nemesis
by Ian Kershaw - W.W. Norton, New York, 2000.
The Good Old Days: The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders
by Ernst Klee et. al. - Konecky & Konecky, New York, 1996.
Soldat: Reflections of a German Soldier, 1936-1949
by Siegfried Knappe with Ted Brusau - Dell Publishing, New York, 1993.
Strange Victory: Hitler’s Conquest of France Ernest R. May - Hill and Wang, New York, 2000.
Never to Forget: The Jews of the Holocaust
by Milton Meltzer - Harper Collins, New York, 1991.
Convoy: The Greatest U-Boat Battle of the War
by Martin Middlebrook - William Morrow Co., New York, 2007.
Eyewitness Auschwitz by Filip Mueller - Stein and Day, New York, 1979.
Nazism: A Documentary Reader (Foreign Policy, War and Racial Extermination) - J. Noakes, G. Pridham, ed. - University of Exeter Press, UK, 1995.
Himmler by Peter Padfield - MJF Books,
New York, 1997.
War of the Century: When Hitler Fought Stalin by Laurence Rees - The New Press, New York, 1999.
Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 1934-1941
William L. Shirer - Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland, 2002.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany
by William L. Shirer -
Simon & Schuster, New York, 1990.
Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography
by John Toland -
Anchor Books, New York, 1991.
Life and Death of Adolf Hitler by Robert Payne -
Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995.
The Historical Atlas of World War II by John Pimlot - Henry Holt and Co., New York, 1995.
Rommel In His Own Words - John Pimlot, ed. - Greenhill Books, London, 1994.
SS, Alibi of a Nation, 1922-1945 by Gerald Reitlinger - Da Capo Press, New York; 1989.
Goebbels by Ralf Georg Reuth - Harcourt
Brace, New York, 1994.
of the Third Reich by Louis L. Snyder -
Marlowe & Co., New York, 1997.
American Heritage New History of World War II by C. L. Sulzberger, Stephen Ambrose - Viking, New York, 1997.
Who in Nazi Germany by Robert S. Wistrich - Routledge,
New York, 1995.
Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy by Dmitri Volkogonov - Grove Weidenfeld, New York, 1991.
The Third Reich/Time-Life Books: The New Order by the Editors of
Time-Life Books - Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia, 1991.
The Third Reich/Time-Life Books: The SS by the Editors of Time-Life
Books - Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia; 1991.
Page One: The Front Page History of World War II as presented in the New York Times - Galahad Books, New York, 1996.
Videos: Alphabetical by Title
Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State
- (Laurence Rees) BBC-Warner Television, 2005.
Battle of the Atlantic
- BBC-Warner Television, 2005.
Battlefield: The Battle for Italy - PBS Television, 1996; Battlefield: The Battle for Russia - PBS Television, 1996; Battlefield: Push to the Rhine - PBS Television, 1996.
Battle of Stalingrad - A&E Television, 1989.
Battle Stations: T34-Russian Victory
- A&E Television, 2001.
Children of the Night - HBO Television, 1999.
Commanders at War: Battle of Kursk - A&E Television, 2008.
D-Day: Day of Decision - US News Productions, 1994.
D-Day: The Total Story
- A&E Home Video, 2004.
Day After D-Day - Discovery Television, 2007.
Decoding Nazi Secrets - (Nova) PBS Television, 1999.
Fatal Attraction of Adolf Hitler - BBC-A&E Television, 1989.
Gestapo - A&E Television, 2004.
George Stevens D-Day to Berlin - New Line Home Video, 2004.
Hitler's 50th Birthday Parade - German Archive Film, 1939.
Hitler's End - ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen - German National Public Television), 2005.
Hitler's Generals (aka Warriors): Rommel the Hero; Paulus the Defector; Udet the Devil's General; Manstein the Strategist; Canaris the Master Spy - (Guido Knopp) ZDF Television 1998.
Hitler's Henchmen: Doenitz the Successor; Keitel the Lackey; Himmler the Executioner; Goering the Marshal; Goebbels the Agitator; Hess the Deputy; Speer the Architect; Schirach the Corrupter of Youth; Eichmann the Exterminator; Mengele the Doctor of Death; Bormann the Shadow Man; Freisler the Hanging Judge; Ribbentrop the Errand Boy - (Guido Knopp) ZDF Television 1996-1998.
Hitler’s Holocaust - (Guido Knopp) ZDF Television, 2000.
Hitler: The Whole Story - (Guido Knopp) ZDF Television, 1995.
Hitler's Youth - (Guido Knopp) ZDF Television, 2000.
The Last Days - HBO Television, 1998.
Last Days of World War II
- A&E Home Video, 2004.
Liberation of the Camps - Channel 4-Discovery Channel, 1994.
The Long Way Home
- (Mark Jonathan Harris) Moriah Films, 1997.
Massacre at Malmedy - Lou Reda Productions, 1993.
Mein Krieg - Kino International, 1991.
Nazis: A Warning from History
- (Laurence Rees) BBC Television, 2005.
Normandy the Great Crusade - Discovery Television, 1994.
Nuremberg: Goering's Last Stand - 3BM Television, 2007.
Nuremberg: Tyranny on Trial
- A&E Home Video, 2005.
Operation Pointblank - US News Productions, 1993.
Rommel: The Last Knight - Biography Channel, 1997.
Unlikely Heroes
- Moriah Films, 2005.
Up The Deadly Boot: The Italian Campaign
- A&E Television, 2008.
War of the Century - (Laurence Rees) BBC Television, 1999.
World at War (30th Anniversary Edition)
- (Jeremy Issacs) Thames Television, 1972.
Photo Credits
All of the photos were obtained from the U.S. National Archives, Library of Congress, Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive), and U.S. Army.
Related (external) Web Sites
War Crimes Page at Yale University
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Roosevelt’s Speeches and Fireside Chats
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