The History Place - Holocaust Timeline

Auschwitz Extermination Camp Liberated Jan. 27, 1945

Select Photos

Prisoners of Auschwitz greet their Soviet liberators.

The entrance to the main camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I). The gate bears the cynical Nazi motto "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work makes one free).

The lane separating the first and the second row of barracks in the main camp. On the left in the distance is crematorium #1.

Jewish children, kept alive in Auschwitz II (Birkenau) extermination camp. Among those pictured are: Tomasz Szwarz; Alicja Gruenbaum; Salomea Rozalin; Gita Sztrauss; Wiera Sadler; Marta Wiess; Word Eksztein; Josef Rozenwaser; Rafael Szlezinger; Gabriel Nejman; Gugiel Appelbaum. Pesa Balter (second from the left), arrived in Auschwitz in August 1944 at the age of 11.

Liberated inmates behind the barbed wire fence.

Interior of the stable barracks.

A mass funeral of inmates who could not be saved or who were killed by the SS before liberation.

View of the execution wall next to Block 11 in Auschwitz I.

A warehouse full of shoes and clothing confiscated from the prisoners and deportees gassed upon their arrival. The Nazis shipped these goods to Germany.

A large pile of Jewish prayer shawls (tallesim, tallitot) confiscated from arriving prisoners and stored in one of the warehouses in Auschwitz.

View of one of the warehouses in Auschwitz, overflowing with clothes confiscated from prisoners.

Six-year old Anna Klein and three-year old brother Jon. Both perished in Auschwitz.

(Photo credits: from top, Central State Archive of Film, Photo and Phonographic Documents, Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi War Crimes, Central State Archive of Film, Photo and Phonographic Documents, National Archives, State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Lydia Chagoll Collection, National Archives, Arie Klein Collection)

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